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Chain of Thought (CoT) in the context of large language models (LLMs) refers to a prompting technique that encourages the model to generate intermediate reasoning steps before arriving at a final answer.

This approach aims to improve the model’s reasoning abilities by explicitly breaking down complex problems into a sequence of logical steps, mimicking human problem-solving processes.

The primary goal of CoT is to enhance the accuracy, coherence, and transparency of the model’s responses, especially for tasks that require multi-step reasoning.

How Chain of Thought Works? 

Chain of Thought (CoT) prompting works by guiding a large language model (LLM) to break down complex problems into a sequence of intermediate reasoning steps.

This approach helps the model arrive at more accurate and logical conclusions by emulating the step-by-step problem-solving process that humans often use.

Here’s a detailed look at how CoT works and how it responds to user prompts:

How Chain of Thought (CoT) Works?

Initial Prompt

  • The user provides a query or problem that requires multi-step reasoning.

Intermediate Steps Generation

  • Instead of directly generating an answer, the model is prompted to think through the problem step by step.
  • This involves explicitly asking the model to consider intermediate steps, reasoning processes, and relevant sub-problems.

Reasoning Path

  • The model generates a sequence of logical steps that lead from the initial problem statement to the final answer.
  • Each step is intended to build upon the previous one, creating a coherent path of reasoning.

Final Answer

  • After laying out the intermediate steps, the model synthesizes these to produce the final answer to the original query.

Responding to User Prompts

Here’s an example to illustrate how CoT responds to user prompts:

User Query: “What will be the total cost if I buy 3 books at $15 each and 2 pens at $2 each?”

Traditional Response

  • Direct Answer: “The total cost will be $49.”

Chain of Thought Response

Prompt with CoT: “What will be the total cost if I buy 3 books at $15 each and 2 pens at $2 each? Let’s think step by step.”

Generated Response

  1. “First, let’s calculate the cost of the books.”
  2. “Each book costs $15, and you are buying 3 books.”
  3. “So, the cost for the books is 3 * $15 = $45.”
  4. “Next, let’s calculate the cost of the pens.”
  5. “Each pen costs $2, and you are buying 2 pens.”
  6. “So, the cost for the pens is 2 * $2 = $4.”
  7. “Finally, let’s add the costs together.”
  8. “$45 (cost of books) + $4 (cost of pens) = $49.”
  9. “Therefore, the total cost will be $49.”

Breakdown of the CoT Process

Initial Breakdown

  • The model first breaks down the problem into smaller parts: calculating the cost of books and pens separately.

Step-by-Step Calculation

  • It performs each calculation step by step, ensuring that each part of the problem is handled correctly.

Combining Results

  • The intermediate results are then combined to arrive at the final answer.

Benefits of CoT Prompting

Improved Accuracy

  • By handling each part of the problem individually, the model reduces the risk of errors that might occur in a single-step solution.


  • Users can see the reasoning path the model took to arrive at the answer, which increases trust in the model’s output.

Enhanced Problem-Solving

  • CoT prompting is especially useful for complex queries that require multi-step reasoning, such as mathematical problems, logical puzzles, or detailed explanations.

Example: Logical Puzzle

User Query: “If all Bloops are Razzies and all Razzies are Lazzies, are all Bloops definitely Lazzies?”

Traditional Response

  • Direct Answer: “Yes.”

Chain of Thought Response

Prompt with CoT: “If all Bloops are Razzies and all Razzies are Lazzies, are all Bloops definitely Lazzies? Let’s think step by step.”

Generated Response

  • “First, let’s consider the statements given.”
  • “All Bloops are Razzies. This means every Bloop is a Razzie.”
  • “Next, all Razzies are Lazzies. This means every Razzie is a Lazzie.”
  • “Now, if every Bloop is a Razzie, and every Razzie is a Lazzie, then every Bloop must also be a Lazzie.”
  • “Therefore, all Bloops are definitely Lazzies.”
  • How Chain of Thought (CoT) works with the combination of RAG?

    Combining Chain of Thought (CoT) prompting with Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) creates a powerful approach to enhance the reasoning capabilities and knowledge retrieval efficiency of large language models (LLMs). 

    Here’s how they can work together:

    How CoT and RAG Work Together?

    1. Initial Query:
      • The user inputs a complex query or problem that requires multi-step reasoning and access to external knowledge.
    2. Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) Component:
      • Retrieval: The RAG system first retrieves relevant documents or pieces of information from a large corpus or knowledge base. These documents provide the necessary background information and context related to the query.
      • Augmentation: The retrieved information is then used to augment the context in which the language model operates, ensuring it has access to up-to-date and relevant data.
    3. Chain of Thought (CoT) Prompting:
      • Intermediate Reasoning: Instead of generating a direct answer, the model is prompted to think through the problem step by step, breaking it down into intermediate reasoning steps.
      • Integration with Retrieved Information: The model incorporates the retrieved information into its reasoning process, using it to inform each step.
    4. Final Answer:
      • After reasoning through the steps and integrating the retrieved information, the model generates a final, well-informed answer.

    know more on Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG)

    Example Use Case: Medical Diagnosis

    User Query: “What could be the possible diagnosis for a patient with a high fever, severe headache, and muscle pain?”

    Step-by-Step Process

    1. Initial Query Handling:
      • The user inputs the query into the system.
    2. RAG Component:
      • Retrieval: The retrieval model searches a medical knowledge base for documents related to symptoms of high fever, severe headache, and muscle pain.
      • Relevant Documents: It retrieves documents such as medical articles on dengue fever, influenza, and other conditions presenting with these symptoms.
    3. CoT Prompting:
      • Prompt: “What could be the possible diagnosis for a patient with a high fever, severe headache, and muscle pain? Let’s think step by step.”
      • Generated Response:
        1. “First, let’s list the main symptoms: high fever, severe headache, and muscle pain.”
        2. “High fever can be caused by various infections, including viral and bacterial.”
        3. “Severe headache is often associated with conditions like dengue fever, meningitis, and influenza.”
        4. “Muscle pain can be a symptom of viral infections such as dengue fever and influenza.”
        5. “Considering the combination of these symptoms, let’s look at the retrieved information.”
    4. Integration of Retrieved Information:

      • The model reviews the retrieved documents and integrates key points into its reasoning:
        1. “One document indicates that dengue fever presents with high fever, severe headache, and muscle pain, often accompanied by a rash.”
        2. “Another document discusses influenza, which can also cause high fever, headache, and muscle pain, but typically includes respiratory symptoms like cough.”
    5. Final Reasoning and Conclusion:

      • “Based on the retrieved information and the symptoms presented, one possible diagnosis could be dengue fever, especially if a rash develops.”
      • “Influenza is another possibility, particularly if respiratory symptoms are present.”
      • “Further diagnostic tests, such as a blood test for dengue or a flu test, would be necessary to confirm the diagnosis.”
    6. Final Answer:

      • “The possible diagnoses for a patient with high fever, severe headache, and muscle pain could include dengue fever or influenza. It is recommended to conduct further diagnostic tests to confirm the exact condition.”

    Benefits of Combining CoT with RAG

    Enhanced Accuracy:

    • The model can leverage up-to-date and specific information retrieved from a large corpus, improving the accuracy of its answers.

    Improved Reasoning:

    • CoT prompting ensures that the model approaches the problem methodically, reducing the risk of logical errors.

    Contextually Rich Responses:

    • By integrating retrieved information into the reasoning process, the model can provide detailed and contextually relevant answers.

    Transparency and Trust:

    • Users can follow the reasoning steps and see how the retrieved information informs the final answer, increasing transparency and trust in the system.

    Final Words:

    Chain of Thought (CoT) prompting enhances the reasoning capabilities of large language models by encouraging them to break down complex problems into intermediate steps.

    This method not only improves accuracy and reliability but also provides a transparent reasoning process that users can follow and understand.

    By guiding the model to think step by step, CoT enables it to handle a wide range of complex queries more effectively.

    Combining Chain of Thought (CoT) prompting with Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) leverages the strengths of both techniques.

    CoT provides a structured reasoning approach, while RAG ensures access to the latest and most relevant information.

    Together, they enable large language models to deliver highly accurate, contextually rich, and well-reasoned responses to complex queries.

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