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Preparing for a Senior RPA Developer interview can be challenging, especially when it involves real-world scenarios.

To help you stand out, we’ve compiled a set of 14 high-level, RPA UiPath scenario-based interview questions and answers that reflect the practical challenges you’ll face on the job.

Why focus on scenario-based questions?

Scenario-based questions are essential because they test your ability to apply your knowledge in real-world situations.

These questions go beyond theoretical understanding, assessing your problem-solving skills, decision-making, and adaptability.

What to expect from these questions?

In this guide, you’ll find detailed answers to questions covering critical areas such as:

  • Queue management and item retrieval
  • SAP scripting enablement
  • Differences between attended and unattended robots
  • Workflow types and their applications
  • Data handling with UiPath’s Generate Data Table and Build Data Table activities

Why read on?

  • Real-World Relevance: These questions are based on actual scenarios you’ll encounter in your role, making your preparation practical and job-focused.
  • Comprehensive Insights: Gain a deep understanding of complex topics essential for a Senior RPA Developer.
  • Boost Confidence: Be well-prepared to handle high-level questions and impress your interviewers with your expertise.
  • Career Advancement: Master these scenarios to not only excel in your interviews but also enhance your on-the-job performance.

Ready to dive in? Start exploring these scenario-based questions and answers to sharpen your skills and set yourself up for success in your next Senior RPA Developer interview.

Here are the answers to the high-level interview questions tailored for a RPA UiPath Developer position, complete with examples and aligned with real-world project execution processes and methods:

1. What is Queue in RPA UiPath?

Answer: A Queue in RPA UiPath is a component in Orchestrator that allows you to store and manage a list of work items that robots need to process. It helps in managing workloads by distributing tasks among multiple robots, ensuring efficient execution and scalability.

Example: In an invoice processing system, each invoice can be a queue item. These invoices are added to the queue and robots pick them up for processing, ensuring that no invoice is missed.

2. How to Get a Specific Item from Queue

Answer: To get a specific item from a queue, you can use the Get Queue Items activity and apply a filter using the Reference property or other custom properties to identify the specific item.


CSharp Code

var specificQueueItem = queueItems.FirstOrDefault(item => item.Reference == "Invoice123");

3. How to Get Today’s Queue Items from Queue

Answer: To get today’s queue items, you can use the Get Queue Items activity with a filter on the CreationTime property.


CSharp Code

var today = DateTime.Now.Date;

var todaysQueueItems = queueItems.Where(item => item.CreationTime.Date == today).ToList();

4. What are all the Queue Item Statuses

Answer: Queue item statuses in UiPath include:

  • New: The item is newly added and not yet processed.
  • In Progress: The item is currently being processed by a robot.
  • Failed: The item processing failed.
  • Successful: The item was processed successfully.
  • Abandoned: The item was not processed within the defined SLA and was abandoned.
  • Retried: The item failed but was retried.
  • Deleted: The item was removed from the queue.

5. How to Get More than 100 Records from Queue

Answer: To get more than 100 records from a queue, you need to use pagination. UiPath allows retrieving up to 100 queue items at a time, so you need to loop through the queue using the Get Queue Items activity with an appropriate offset.


CSharp Code

int totalItemsToFetch = 500;

int fetchedItems = 0;


List<QueueItem> allItems = new List<QueueItem>();

while (fetchedItems < totalItemsToFetch)


var queueItems = GetQueueItemsActivity(top: 100, offset: fetchedItems);


fetchedItems += queueItems.Count;


6. Queue Item Properties

Answer: Queue item properties include:

  • Specific Data: Custom data related to the queue item.
  • Output Data: Data output after processing the item.
  • Priority: The priority level of the item.
  • Reference: A unique identifier for the queue item.
  • Deadline: The date and time by which the item should be processed.
  • Defer Date: The date and time when the item should be available for processing.

Discover More: 14 RPA Developer Interview Q & A by Senior RPA Dev

Boost your interview prep with our comprehensive guide, Scenario-Based Interview Questions and Answers for RPA Developers. This essential resource is packed with detailed, real-world RPA UiPath Interview Questions and Answers, designed to help you ace your next interview.

Whether you’re dealing with queues, data tables, or SAP integration, this guide covers it all. Elevate your understanding, enhance your skills, and stand out as the top candidate.

Check it out now and take the next step in your RPA career! Also Find Top 15 RPA Developer Interview Questions and Answers by Senior RPA Developer

7. How to Enable Scripting in SAP

Answer: To enable scripting in SAP, follow these steps:

  1. Go to SAP GUI options.
  2. Navigate to Accessibility & Scripting.
  3. Enable scripting at the client-side by checking the option “Enable scripting”.
  4. Ensure scripting is also enabled on the server-side by an SAP administrator.


CSharp Code

// SAP GUI configuration settings.

8. Get Queue Items and Get Transaction Item Output


  • Get Queue Items: Retrieves a list of queue items based on specified criteria such as status, reference, and creation time.


    CSharp Code

    var queueItems = GetQueueItemsActivity(status: "New");

  • Get Transaction Item: Retrieves a single queue item for processing and changes its status to In Progress.


    CSharp Code

    var transactionItem = GetTransactionItemActivity(queueName: "InvoiceQueue");

9. Attended Robot vs. Unattended Robot


  • Attended Robot: Requires human intervention and is typically used for front-office tasks. The robot assists users by automating parts of their workflows.

    Example: Customer service agents use attended robots to automate form filling during a call.

  • Unattended Robot: Operates without human intervention and is used for back-office tasks. It runs independently, typically on virtual machines or servers.

    Example: Processing large batches of invoices overnight without any user interaction.

Recommended to Read:

RPA Lifecycle: Ultimate Guide for UiPath Development Success

 Validate and Verify datatables in Web application using RPA UiPath

Automating Invoice Validation: Leveraging UiPath for Outlook Email Data

10. What is UIExplorer

Answer: UIExplorer is a tool in UiPath Studio that allows developers to inspect, analyze, and create selectors for UI elements.

It provides a detailed view of the UI hierarchy and properties, enabling precise identification of elements.

Example: Using UIExplorer to find and select a button in a web application based on its properties.

11. Queue Activities

Answer: Key queue activities in UiPath include:

  • Add Queue Item: Adds a new item to a queue.
  • Get Queue Items: Retrieves a list of items from a queue.
  • Get Transaction Item: Retrieves a single item for processing.
  • Set Transaction Status: Updates the status of a processed item.
  • Delete Queue Item: Removes an item from the queue.

12. Workflow Types in UiPath

Answer: UiPath supports several workflow types:

  • Sequence: A simple linear flow of activities.
  • Flowchart: Enables branching and decision-making for more complex processes.
  • State Machine: Manages complex workflows with multiple states and transitions.
  • Global Exception Handler: A special workflow type to manage global exceptions.

13. Generate Data Table vs. Build Data Table


  • Generate Data Table: Converts unstructured data (e.g., text) into a structured DataTable using delimiters or patterns.

    Example: Parsing a CSV string into a DataTable.

  • Build Data Table: Creates a DataTable from scratch by defining columns and rows within UiPath Studio.

    Example: Manually creating a DataTable for storing temporary data in a process.

14. What are UiPath Apps

Answer: UiPath Apps is a platform that allows you to build and deploy custom web applications integrated with UiPath processes.

It provides a drag-and-drop interface to create forms, dashboards, and applications that interact with RPA workflows, enabling end-users to trigger and manage automations through a user-friendly interface.

Example: Creating a customer service application that allows agents to submit requests, which are then processed by robots in the background.

Unlocking the Power of UiPath AI Units

Automating Invoice Validation: Leveraging UiPath for Outlook Email Data

Best RPA Training using UiPath – RPA Certification Course from basic to advanced level training.

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