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Are you gearing up for an interview for a Senior RPA Developer position? Preparing for such interviews can be daunting, especially when it comes to high-level, real-world scenarios that interviewers love to delve into.

Fear not! We’re here to guide you through the complexities and ensure you’re well-prepared to impress your potential employers.

Why focus on scenario-based questions?

RPA UiPath scenario-based interview questions are a favorite among interviewers because they test your practical knowledge and problem-solving abilities in real-world situations.

Understanding how to handle these questions can set you apart from other candidates, showcasing not only your technical skills but also your ability to think critically and adapt to challenges.

What can you expect?

In this guide, we’ve compiled a list of 14 high-level, scenario-based interview questions and answers that cover a wide range of topics essential for a Senior RPA Developer role.

These questions are designed to mimic real-world challenges you might face in your job, providing you with the insights and confidence needed to tackle them head-on.

Why should you read on?

  • Comprehensive Preparation: Cover all bases and ensure you’re ready for any question that comes your way.
  • Real-World Examples: Learn through practical scenarios that reflect the challenges you’ll face on the job.
  • Boost Your Confidence: Equip yourself with the knowledge and answers that will make you stand out.
  • Career Advancement: Gain insights that not only help in interviews but also enhance your day-to-day work as a Senior RPA Developer.

Don’t leave your interview preparation to chance. Dive into these RPA UiPath scenario-based interview questions and answers to sharpen your skills, gain confidence, and set yourself up for success in your next interview.

1. Studio Logs vs. Execution Logs

  • Studio Logs: These logs are generated during the development phase within UiPath Studio. They include debugging information, development errors, and detailed logs that help developers troubleshoot issues while building the automation workflows.

    Example: When a developer runs a workflow in debug mode, Studio Logs capture the step-by-step execution details, variable values, and any exceptions that occur, helping to identify and fix bugs.

  • Execution Logs: These logs are generated when a process is executed in the Robot or Orchestrator environment. They include information about the start and end times of the process, transaction status, errors, and custom log messages defined in the workflows.

    Example: When a process runs in production, Execution Logs capture the workflow execution status, including any business exceptions or system exceptions, providing a trail for auditing and troubleshooting.

2. Types of Selectors in RPA UiPath

Answer: There are several types of selectors used in UiPath for identifying UI elements:

  • Full Selectors: These contain all the elements from the root to the target element. They are generally used in desktop applications.

    Example: <wnd app='notepad.exe' cls='Notepad' title='Untitled - Notepad'><wnd cls='Edit' /></wnd>

  • Partial Selectors: These do not include the root element and are used within container activities like Attach Window or Open Browser.

    Example: <wnd cls='Edit' />

  • Dynamic Selectors: These include variables or wildcards to handle changing attributes of UI elements.

    Example: <wnd app='*' cls='*' title='* - Notepad'><wnd cls='Edit' /></wnd>

  • Anchor-based Selectors: These use an anchor element to find the target element, useful when the target element is not uniquely identifiable.

    Example: Using an anchor to identify a field based on a nearby label.

3. Data Service in RPA UiPath

Answer: Data Service in UiPath is a persistent data storage service that allows storing and managing business data in a structured format. It integrates seamlessly with UiPath Studio and Orchestrator, enabling robots to access and manipulate data directly.

Example: Data Service can be used to store customer records, which can then be accessed by various automation processes for updating customer information, retrieving details, or generating reports.

4. Classic vs. Modern Folders in RPA UiPath

  • Classic Folders: These are the traditional folder structure in UiPath Orchestrator, where permissions are assigned directly to users and robots.

    Example: Classic Folders are useful in scenarios where granular control over individual robots and users is needed.

  • Modern Folders: These provide a more flexible and scalable approach, supporting multi-tenancy and easier management of permissions through user roles and groups.

    Example: Modern Folders are suitable for large organizations with complex permission requirements, allowing role-based access control and better organization of assets, queues, and processes.

5. Different Storage Buckets You Expertise

Answer: Storage Buckets in UiPath Orchestrator provide a centralized way to store and manage files that can be accessed by robots. There are two main types:

  • Global Storage Buckets: Accessible by all tenants within the Orchestrator.

    Example: Useful for storing templates or configuration files that need to be shared across different departments or projects.

  • Tenant Storage Buckets: Specific to a single tenant and not accessible by others.

    Example: Ideal for storing sensitive data or files that are only relevant to a particular business unit.

6. Global Exception Handler

Answer: A Global Exception Handler in UiPath is a workflow that catches all unhandled exceptions in the project. It provides a centralized way to manage exceptions, log errors, and define recovery actions.

Example: In a financial automation project, a Global Exception Handler can be set up to log critical errors, send notifications to the support team, and attempt retries or rollback actions to ensure data integrity. Get Best RPA Training using UiPath with Certification

7. Types of Recording in RPA

Answer: There are several types of recording in UiPath to automate different types of tasks:

  • Basic Recording: Suitable for automating simple, single-window applications with limited interactions.
  • Desktop Recording: Used for automating complex desktop applications with multiple windows.
  • Web Recording: Designed for automating web applications, capturing elements across different web pages.
  • Citrix Recording: Used for automating virtualized environments like Citrix or remote desktops, relying on image-based automation.

8. Data Scraping vs. Screen Scraping

  • Data Scraping: Extracts structured data from web pages or applications using underlying HTML or XML structures. It’s accurate and efficient for extracting tables, lists, or specific elements.

    Example: Extracting product details from an e-commerce website.

  • Screen Scraping: Captures text and images from the screen using OCR (Optical Character Recognition). It’s useful for unstructured data or virtual environments.

    Example: Extracting text from an image or a legacy application running in a remote desktop.

9. Excel vs. Workbook Activities

  • Excel Activities: Require Excel to be installed on the machine. They provide advanced functionalities and better performance for manipulating Excel files.

    Example: Reading and writing to specific cells, formatting, and using Excel-specific features like PivotTables.

  • Workbook Activities: Do not require Excel to be installed. They are useful for basic operations on Excel files and are platform-independent.

    Example: Reading and writing data from Excel files in environments where Excel is not installed.

10. Standard Robot vs. Floating Robot in RPA UiPath

  • Standard Robot: Assigned to a specific machine. It’s ideal for scenarios where the robot runs on a dedicated machine.

    Example: A back-office process running on a fixed server.

  • Floating Robot: Not tied to a specific machine, allowing it to run on any machine within a defined environment. It’s useful for remote or virtual environments.

    Example: A front-office robot that needs to be accessible from different workstations.

11. How to Create a Custom Activity, Give an Example Program

Answer: Creating a custom activity involves developing a .NET library and integrating it with UiPath. Steps include:

  1. Develop the activity: Create a new Class Library in Visual Studio, implement the required functionality, and compile the project.
  2. Create NuGet Package: Package the compiled library into a .NET NuGet package.
  3. Install in UiPath: Add the custom activity package to UiPath Studio via the Manage Packages option.

Example Program:

using System.Activities;

using System.ComponentModel;

public class HelloWorldActivity : CodeActivity



public InArgument<string> Name { get; set; }


public OutArgument<string> Greeting { get; set; }

protected override void Execute(CodeActivityContext context)


string name = Name.Get(context);

string greeting = $”Hello, {name}!”;

Greeting.Set(context, greeting);

} }

12. Terminal Automation Activities

Answer: Terminal automation activities in UiPath are used to interact with mainframe systems. Key activities include:

  • Terminal Session: Establishes a connection to the terminal.
  • Send Control Key: Sends control keys like F1, F2 to the terminal.
  • Get Text/Set Text: Retrieves or inputs text into terminal fields.

Example: Automating data entry and retrieval in a legacy IBM mainframe application.

13. How to Start Bot2 Once Bot1 is Completed

Answer: This can be achieved using the following methods:

  • Orchestrator Queues: Use a queue to trigger Bot2 once Bot1 completes processing an item.
  • Invoke Workflow Activity: Bot1 can invoke Bot2 as a separate workflow at the end of its execution.
  • Orchestrator Schedules: Use Orchestrator to schedule Bot2 based on the completion of Bot1.

14. How Many Ways Can Start a Bot from Orchestrator

Answer: There are several ways to start a bot from UiPath Orchestrator:

  • Manually: Start the bot manually from the Orchestrator interface.
  • Scheduling: Schedule the bot to run at specific times.
  • API: Use the Orchestrator API to trigger the bot programmatically.
  • Queue Triggers: Set up a queue-based trigger to start the bot when new items are added to a queue.
  • Monitor Event: Configure a monitor event trigger to start the bot based on specific conditions or events.

By preparing these detailed RPA UiPath scenario-based interview questions and answers, you will be well-equipped to showcase your expertise and handle high-level questions during your interviews for a Senior RPA Developer position.

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You’ve already gained valuable insights from these 14 high-level, scenario-based questions. But there’s more to explore! Dive deeper into the world of RPA with our comprehensive guide, 15 RPA Developer Interview Q & A by Senior RPA Dev.

This guide covers essential topics and provides detailed answers to help you excel in your interviews. Enhance your preparation, boost your confidence, and stand out as a top candidate. Don’t miss out—check it out now!

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